Maps relative to Lincoln County

These are the more accurate of all the maps out there; they seemed the best view of early Lincoln County including the route from Texas. I gave you the full size maps as I found them, it might be better to download them to study them well.

1859 Territory and Military Department of New Mexico Map which, of course includes both AZ and NM. I gave you the whole thing but if you zero in on Ft. Stanton you can see our prime area.

1867 Texas Map has better detail of the counties and trails but doesn't show the trail up the Pecos from Horsehead Crossing to Lincoln County.

1877 Wheeler Map 77 (Manzano plus), 1877 Map 84B (Western LC), 1877 Map 84 (West of LC) were created by the US Army under the guidance of Lt. Wheeler from about 1877. This was part of an effort to map the Western United States. The Manzano map is excellent, the map of the country West of Lincoln County is not as easy to read but is important none the less. These are probably very accurate.

Of course, the Railroad came to Las Vegas about 1878, using the 1879 NM Stage Lines Map you can find Anton Chico and the connect due North to Las Vegas. This map is a bit fictional as far as accuracy but it gives a general view of roads in NM.

1885 Lincoln County Map is my creation. There are no maps that I could find that show early Lincoln County roads, so I made one, the roads are not quite accurate but very close… so don't get picky. I used a 1955 USGS large area map as the underlying basis with additional maps and stuff to help give a proper view. Some of the Roads and Trails I sorta conjured up, they are just best guess. Since then I've acquired the earliest Plat Maps I could find; who knows, maybe it will get updated. Overlaying (lightly) are the BLM Townships, not exactly perfect but should help if you are interested.